Thursday, December 29, 2005

Boycott Bill O'Reilly (Sort of)

Like most people with any sense at all, I am sick of Bill O'Reilly. Over the last few years I've become more tolerant of the conservative viewpoint, having recently met some truly decent conservative folks. O'Reilly, however, spreads a poisonous message combining half-truths, exageration, and outright lies all designed to tear down anyone and anything he doesn't agree with. I'm a firm believer in the first amendment and culture of freedom that has been built around it. That said, I have decided not support business that supports O'Reilly through advertising. I just don't wany my dollars reaching his pockets.

This is an incomplete list, but it provides a good start. If anyone reads this blog, feel free comment with additional O'Reilly Factor advertisers.

General Motors (Chevrolet, Jeep, Buick, Pontiac, Cadillac, GMC, Oldsmobile, Hummer, Saab, Saturn)
Captital One
The Weekly Standard (A conservative rag, I don't expect anyone who's gotten this far to be subscribing anyway)

That's enough for now. I think I'll close with a quote from Bill:

"...the ACLU, the nation's most dangerous organization."

Hoo boy.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I can't stop thinking about Squidoo. (If you don't know what it is, click on the link. I don't want to explain it again.)

I'm thinking about what it can do for Hidden City Games, where I work. I'm thinking about what it can do for my hobbies, including robotic combat. I wondering if it'll do anything.

The concept intrigues me. The execution appears to be solid, though the Squidoo folks have certainly made a couple of blunders.

I'm starting to think of it as a competition. Who can get the highest ranked Squidoo site? As of right now, my Clout: Fantasy Lens is ranked 178. I'm totally blown away that it's ranked that high. The FAQ gives some hints on what the rankings are based upon, but honestly I don't know. I've made three other lenses. Hobby Gaming, Combat Robotics, and Homebrewing Basics. I think the Homebrewing and the Robot lenses are the best ones, content-wise, but they aren't ranked nearly as high. I bet the Homebrew one will settle down as the most popular, in the long run.

I'd like to keep making lenses, as it's fun and it's sort of a power trip, getting to decide what information people need on a a given topic. The Squidoo slogan is "Everyone's an expert at something", and I'm not sure I'm an expert at anything else. Maybe the Feng Shui RPG. A lens would sure help with finding info on the game online, as it's currently a pain in the ass.

I'm really getting the impression nobody gets this but me. Oh well, I'm having fun with it. If another hundred thousand people (or so) catch the bug, I'll know I was in on the ground floor.

